Mar 25, 2024
Anyone who has ever been a people-pleaser can know how hard it is to be in relationships that don’t have reciprocity. It can feel like we give and give and give, and just because we are connected in the relationship, can think it’s enough, when in reality, we end up feeling depleted and resentful. In this...
Mar 18, 2024
In this conversation with one of my soul sisters, Shari Teigman, we talk about the journey of self-discovery, the courage to create change in the face of the unknown, how to stop believing the story you tightly hold on to, and how to forge your path using inner wisdom, trust and faith. As a former people pleaser, Shari...
Mar 4, 2024
One of the most common struggles many couples face is what’s known as the anxious-avoidant dance; it looks like this: one partner has an anxious attachment style and gets triggered by her partner needing a time out during an argument, or threatening to leave. The other partner has an avoidant attachment style and...