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Journey Forward with Joree Rose

Dec 27, 2021

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Every year I guide a “let your shit go” workshop, and this episode is a virtual workshop, in which I guide you through the steps to let go of what is no longer serving you, and how to set intentions (not resolutions) for the upcoming new year. I start with a short guided mindful meditation moment, then have you consider all the things you’re carrying (all the slights, pains, resentments, hurts, expectations, and more!) that are weighing you down and preventing you from moving forward. Once you have identified the things that are no longer serving you, I guide you through the steps on how to let it go so that you can create the space of what you want to bring in for 2022. I am never a fan of setting goals, which can be arbitrary and often lofty, but rather I prefer to set intentions, which are moment-to-moment actions and awareness that are in alignment with your values and with the quality of presence you want to be living your life. Cheers to a peaceful, healthy and aligned new year!